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河村 和紀 Kazunori Kawamura

Producer, Koyomi Giken LLC

Freelance Video Director / Facilitator

Trainee Lumberjack and Planner, Mori to Odoru Co., Ltd.

I live in Kamakura with my wife and 4-year-old daughter, building experiences to become a family that can thrive anywhere.

【Brief History】

As a freelancer, I worked on TV and commercial video production. Later, I explored the potential of conveying messages through video in the social field, focusing on NPOs and social entrepreneurs. I participated in various projects with "community" as a keyword.

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In 2011, I indirectly experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake in Matsudo. Shortly after, I went on a farm stay in Australia during Golden Week. The moment I stepped outside the airport, I burst into tears, realizing the physical impact of the earthquake, but found healing in the vast farmlands of suburban Melbourne.


In 2012, while producing videos in rural areas, I decided to proactively launch projects. I founded the Yamaiyehito General Incorporated Association and opened the café and dormitory "Yama no Ie" in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture, with the theme of "commuting between the city and the countryside." This experience made a non-blood-related land my second home.

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That same year, I attended and covered a peace ceremony by a peace organization at the United Nations Headquarters. Hearing a UN staff member say, "While the UN's existence is meaningful for such ceremonies, in reality, the diplomats engage in far-from-peaceful communications," made me start thinking about peace.